The Sherbrooke Basketball Board of Management are delighted to announce the appointment of our new Club Director of Coaching for season 2025 & beyond.

Ian Williams will be commencing in the role from 1st August 2024.

Ian has an impressive history as a player, coach and administrator. 

Having played at the highest level in both juniors and seniors at Knox Raiders, he has also been named in Knox’s team of the decade for the 1990s and is a member of their 30 year + 40 year anniversary teams.

Ian has been a coach at VJBL and BigV levels and has been the acting Junior Coordinator at Knox over the last few months.

Ian is no stranger to Sherbrooke, having played with our Suns Men back in the 1990s and even had a previous stint as Coaching Director with the club back in the early 2000s.

In line with our SUNS 2K26 Strategy, Ian has already began preparations of our SUNS 2K26 Basketball Program. It will provide clear pathways for all our athletes from Aussie Hoops > Junior Domestic > Junior Rep > Senior Rep.

Importantly, Ian will be our Head Coach for the entire VJBL program – assisting, developing and mentoring all of our Junior Rep players and coaches.

Ian is also going to be coaching himself in the Senior Rep program and will become our new Youth League Men’s coach from 2025.

Ian has recently finished his previous role and has already rolled his up sleeves and is ready to support all our rep teams in the run to playoffs wherever he can.

I ask you join me in welcoming Ian to Sherbrooke Basketball in his new position. He is going to play a pivotal role in delivering on our SUNS 2K26 Strategy in the years to come.

Go Suns!

Scott Gunther
Sherbrooke Basketball